How to Avoid a Traffic Ticket
The feeling is unmistakable and universally relatable. You’re driving, half-listening to a true-crime podcast when you see flashing blue lights in your rearview. Your pulse quickens. Are you speeding? Did you cross the median by accident? Are your lights working? Your...
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How to Handle Unsafe Drivers
We’ve all been witness to drivers who behave as if the road belongs only to them. Tailgating, brake-checking, and erratically swerving in and out of traffic in an attempt to show off their “sweet” driving skills. This behavior goes beyond annoying; it’s dangerous. If...

Tips for Driving at Night
Driving at night presents its own set of challenges. Outside of the obvious limitations due to lack of sunlight, drivers must be on their toes (figuratively) and drive defensively to avoid nighttime driving accidents. Below are some tips to help you navigate the...

How to Drive Safely on Country Roads
Driving on country roads is the backbone of a significant amount of country songs, but driving these roads can be a challenge for those who spend most of their time in cities or on highways. Rural roads present unique conditions that, if you’re not prepared for, can...
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