Auto accidents are stressful. Aside from the initial shock of the accident, you may be dealing with injuries and a barrage of questions flooding your brain from every angle. Am I okay? Are they okay? Was this my fault? 

Statistics show that the average American driver will be involved in four auto crashes during the course of their lifetime. Below are some tips on what to do before and after an auto accident.

Before the Accident

No one leaves their home thinking, “I’m going to get in an accident today!” (If you do, then consider taking a sick day.) Accident preparedness eases some of the stress that comes along with being in a minor crash. Make sure that you have an emergency roadside kit, a fully charged mobile device, and your vehicle’s registration and insurance information handy.

After The Accident

  1. Stay Safe: If possible, maneuver your vehicle to the safest place possible to avoid further injury and damage. Do not leave the scene of the accident. Assess yourself and your passengers for injuries. Stay in your vehicle if it is safe to do so.
  2. Call for Help: Call 911 to alert police and medical personnel of your accident. Their arrival will help everyone remain safe.
  3. Get Info: If you’re physically able to, gather as much information about the accident as possible. Get the names and contact information of everyone involved in the accident, including witnesses. Take photos of the damage to your vehicle. Write down the time of day, driving conditions, and any other pertinent information.

For more information on what you should do in the case of an emergency, check out this blog from the Insurance Information Institute.

If you’re at fault for the accident, you may have to attend a Driving Improvement Program (DIP.) A1 Driver offers in-person and online Virginia Driving Improvement courses that are recognized by the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles and the National Safety Council.